Evaluación de dos enraizantes con tres tipos de sustratos para la propagación de Magnolia grandiflora (magnolia) en el vivero – ESPOCH.
2022-07-07Registro en:
Chicaiza Castro, Evelyn Morelia. (2022). Evaluación de dos enraizantes con tres tipos de sustratos para la propagación de Magnolia grandiflora (magnolia) en el vivero – ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chicaiza Castro, Evelyn Morelia
This research aimed to evaluate two rooters with three types of substrates in the propagation of Magnolia grandiflora (Magnolia) in the forest nursery of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo in the city of Riobamba in order to contribute to the identification of a multiplication method that generates a higher yield in the production of M. grandiflora. Aloe vera (E1) and naphthaleneacetic acid (E2) were the rooting agents evaluated. They were applied to cuttings and three types of substrates S1= humus (50%) + river sand (30%) + rice husk (20%); S2= humus (70%) + sand (30%) and S3= humus (50%) + black earth (50%). For the investigation, a factorial arrangement of 6 treatments was used from the combinations of the substrates with the rooting ones. Each treatment under study was applied to 10 stakes and repeated 3 times, for which a total of 180 observational units were required. The variables evaluated were the number of shoots/plants, number of leaves/plants, and % of use. One of the main findings was that treatment 3 humus at (50%) + black earth at (50%), and Aloe vera as first rooting experienced the best percentage of capture with a total value of 53%. After that, several shoots were obtained with a total of 2 shoots per treatment, and finally the number of leaves with a total of 7 leaves per live plant. In conclusion, the best rooting agent for the investigation was Aloe vera and the substrate with the combination of humus at (50%) + black earth at (50%). It was recommended to use much younger plants to obtain better results.