Determinación de las pérdidas de energía en forma de calor de los conductores eléctricos revestidos con cobertura de vinilo de policloruro mediante termografía infrarroja
2022-03-23Registro en:
Zamora Solís, Leonardo David. (2022). Determinación de las pérdidas de energía en forma de calor de los conductores eléctricos revestidos con cobertura de vinilo de policloruro mediante termografía infrarroja. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Zamora Solís, Leonardo David
The objective of this study was to show the energy losses that occur in electrical conductors, infrared thermography and to compare through the economic impact in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors. For which a test module was built to carry out the temperature data survey, it consists of three boards, the electrical resistances that were used to control the intensity that circulated through the study conductor were housed in the module's load board. It was adequate in the test board, in the same way a cooling system was implemented to keep the temperature of the resistances below 200 ° C, the study conductor was made of parallel flexible copper, and the elements were placed on the electrical board protection and control. The thermography data of each conductor was compared with the measurement of a thermocouple that was adhered to each conductor. For the analysis, a comparison was made of the energy loss due to the Joule effect due to the passage of an electric current in the conductors, with the power loss due to the resistivity of the circuit. It was possible to obtain a series of equations capable of estimating the energy losses in an electrical installation in the form of heat and at the same time it was provided with a calculation method taking into account that by 2022, an amount of 16,854 MUSD is obtained due to a loss of power due to resistivity equal to 10 W, which affects economically for the users of the electrical service, according to the determined formula. It is recommended to carry out temperature measurements through the use of infrared thermography since it is an effective measurement method and at the same time allowed to detect other problems in electrical installations.