Diseño de un manual de procesos del área de servicios de consulta de especialidades del Hospital Cristiano del cantón Milagro provincia del Guayas
2022-07-29Registro en:
Guevara Guerrero, Jeremy Javier. (2022). Diseño de un manual de procesos del área de servicios de consulta de especialidades del Hospital Cristiano del cantón Milagro provincia del Guayas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Guevara Guerrero, Jeremy Javier
This degree work developed information gathering that allowed establishing the need to implement a Process Manual in the service area of the Christian Hospital. Taking into consideration the use of a quantitative method with a staff questionnaire, qualitative aspects regarding the director of Human Talent were also considered. Through this, the sequence of the processes that involve the provision of consultation service was established and in turn, the sequence of each of the procedures was established through flow charts considering time indicators to establish objectives to be achieved that allowed the achievement of goals in the organization in terms of efficiency and customer satisfaction. It is worth mentioning that the theoretical framework and the project proposal corroborate the degree of importance that exists in the survey, which presents the processes that involve the area of consultation services from the moment the patient arriving, management of medical supplies, execution of medical service, patient follow-up, scheduling and purchase of medicines by the patient. Thus establishing the correlation that exists between the processes through the implementation of a process map that establishes operational, support, and strategic processes considering inputs and outputs