Composición florística y estructura del bosque Ripario de la comunidad Rey de los Andes, parroquia Aguas Negras, cantón Cuyabeno, provincia de Sucumbios.
2022-07-28Registro en:
Vasquez Campoverde, Gustavo Francisco. (2022). Composición florística y estructura del bosque Ripario de la comunidad Rey de los Andes, parroquia Aguas Negras, cantón Cuyabeno, provincia de Sucumbios. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Vásquez Campoverde, Gustavo Francisco
This research aimed to determine the floristic composition and structure of the riparian forest of the Rey de los Andes, Aguas Negras town, Cuyabeno city, Sucumbíos province. The methodology of a linear transect of 0.1 ha along the river and separated 2 m from the edge was applied, all trees and shrubs with a diameter at breast height greater than 10 cm were measured. Fertile and infertile botanical samples were collected, as well as labeled, pressed and transferred to the CHEP Herbarium where the process of drying, identification and mounting of the samples was carried out. A total of 86 individuals between trees and shrubs distributed in 20 families, 39 genera and 41 species were collected and a basal area of 10.95 m2 was obtained. The dominant family was Fabaceae with 7 genera and the most frequent species were Astrocaryum urostachys Burret, Celtis sp. and Leonia crassa L.B. The highest importance value index was 15.56% for Astrocaryum urostachys Burret and 10.33% for Otoba glycycarpa (Ducke). Shannon's Index was 3.477 and Simpson's was 0.9586. The diameters obtained were classified into 3 diameter classes, where Class I was made up of 68 individuals, which represents 79.07% of the total. It was concluded that the study carried out in the riparian forest helped to identify a portion of the species that are found along the bodies of water. In addition, the list obtained of the species can be used for restoration and reforestation processes of the zone. Further studies of botanical collections near the Cuyabeno Wildlife Production Reserve are recommended because it is an area of high diversity and there are few records in the CHEP Herbarium.