Evaluación del efecto del agua de mar como potenciador mineral en la etapa preparto en vacas Holstein mestizas.
2023-01-25Registro en:
Vallejo Pizanan, Joselyn Silvana. (2023). Evaluación del efecto del agua de mar como potenciador mineral en la etapa preparto en vacas Holstein mestizas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Vallejo Pizanan, Joselyn Silvana
In the present work, the effect of seawater as a mineral enhancer in the prepartum stage in Holstein Mestizas cows was evaluated, using 12 experimental units under a DBCA design that had 3 treatments, 4 repetitions and the size of the experimental unit was 1 cow per treatment, which were evaluated by different levels of seawater, T0 (control treatment), TI (250 ml seawater), T2 (500 ml seawater), applied intravenously 15 days before birth. The experimental results were subjected to an analysis of variance (ADEVA) and the separation of means through the TUKEY test with a significance level of (P < 0,05) and (P < 0,01 Obtaining the best results with T2 (500 ml of seawater) in the following variables: the birth weight of the calf was 38,25 kg and the height at birth of the calf was 79,75 cm. The statistical analysis was evaluated using the chi-square method for the variables of birth feasibility, udder inflammation, incidence hypocalcemia and placental retention, which did not present significant differences. In the economic evaluation, it was observed that the best benefit/cost was obtained of 1,51 USD, obtaining a profit of 0,51 USD for each dollar invested. It is concluded that T2 (500 ml of seawater) was the best treatment since the offspring had greater weight and height at birth, there was absence of hypocalcemia, moderate udder inflammation, there was absence of placental retention. The application of postpartum seawater as a mineral restorative is recommended. In addition, it is a functional altemative in livestock to avoid hypocalcemia, placental retention and other deficiencies.