Mejoramiento productivo aplicando VSM, 5´S Y TPM en la fabricación de mangueras de plástico para la Empresa PROCEFLEX
2022-11-10Registro en:
Díaz Castillo, Juan Luis. (2022). Mejoramiento productivo aplicando VSM, 5´S Y TPM en la fabricación de mangueras de plástico para la Empresa PROCEFLEX. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Díaz Castillo, Juan Luis
This technical work aimed to improve productivity by applying Value Stream Mapping (VSM), 5´S and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in the manufacturing process of plastic hoses for the company Proceflex, specialized in the production of polyducts for the agricultural and construction sector located in the city of Santo Domingo; through the implementation of lean manufacturing tools such as: Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Five “S” (5´S) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). It started by recording the times from the reception of raw materials to the storage of the finished product, in order to standardize the process and identify the initial situation of the company through the VSM where the non-value-added time and value-added time was known with a total of 66 minutes per unit, producing 145 units per month. The initial audit on the 5´S methodology was applied, giving a result of 42% compliance, which is not appropriate for the organization in order and cleanliness. In addition, the calculation of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) was carried out, where defective objects are produced, obtaining 33% compliance in availability, efficiency and quality. The implementation of lean tools optimized the standard time to 49.44 minutes per unit, meeting demand with 180 units per month, raised the 5¨S compliance rate to 88%. In turn, the OEE metric was increased to 77% represented as a competitive process. In conclusion, the implementation of lean tools and methodologies in support of process standardization generated a productivity of over 34.44% of polyduct rolls with an installed capacity of 194 units per month and reduction of 0.08 ctvs. per unit. It is recommended to perform periodic auditions to guarantee continuous improvement based on lean techniques and methodologies.