Diseño de un circuito turístico para la comunidad La Libertad de Leito, cantón Patate, provincia de Tungurahua.
2022-06-17Registro en:
Pérez Aguiar, Jasmina Lizbeth. (2022). Diseño de un circuito turístico para la comunidad La Libertad de Leito, cantón Patate, provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pérez Aguiar, Jasmina Lizbeth
This reseach aimed to desing a tourist circuit for the community La Libertad de Leito, Patate canton, Tungurahua province. The study was divided into 4 phases; first, the analysis of the current situation of community tourism was carried out, second, the tourist plant, infrastructure, and superstructure were evaluated, third, the market study of the tourist circuit consisted of analyzing the supply, demand and objective demand, the elaboration of the technical structure of the tourist routes was carried out by analyzing the size of the plant, location, circuit design, circuit structure, interpretive scripts and defining the marketing and dissemination strategies; finally the necessary investment budget was determined through the calculation of investment, fixed and deferred assets. In addition, there are 11 attractions in the community, 45% are natural attractions and 55% are cultural manifestations that require attention and care; the operational capacity of the project for the fourth year is 16,271 clients, and the apparent montly consumption for the fourth year is 1,356, the tourist circuit Will be called “El Rey de la Leña”, the tourist plant with which the circuit will work, as well as the services that will be provided within the circuit will be privately operated by the tourist establishments in the area. To sump up, 3 tourist packages were designed that will be part of the circuit, with an estimed investment of US$ 355,000.00, so it is recommended to take advantage of the natural and architectural resources that the village has, in order to manage alliances with public and private institutions for the implementation of the tourist circuit.