Abdomen agudo inflamatorio complicado
2019-10-10Registro en:
Aldaz Vargas, Lizeth Carolina. (2019). Abdomen agudo inflamatorio complicado. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Aldaz Vargas, Lizeth Carolina
In this surgical clinical case, a 75-year-old female patient of mixed-race ethnicity was studied, with no personal interest in pathological history. Coming to the emergency service with vital signs within normal parameters and referring an abdominal pain clinic of 12 hours of evolution, positive Mussy with the presence of nausea and also vomiting of bilious characteristics. Control paraclinical are performed evidencing hematological biometrics with a formula alteration concerning neutrophils and elevated pancreatic enzymes. An abdominal ultrasound is performed which reports pancreas under normal conditions, biliary vesicle distended with biliary mud inside. A CT scan of the abdomen shows distension of small bowel loops with increased wall thickness. When presenting a clinical of undetermined etiology, the patient undergoes exploratory laparoscopy converted to exploratory laparotomy, evidencing necrotic gallbladder, acute appendicitis, hydrocholecystis, and a picture of pancreatitis and mesenteric ischemia is ruled out, diagnoses that were suggestive in this patient. The evolution after the surgical treatment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy plus laparoscopic appendectomy) was satisfactory, normalizing its pancreatic enzymes after the procedure. It was discharged after seven days of hospitalization with good evolution and subsequent controls by external consultation.