Factores desencadenantes de colecistitis aguda en pacientes atendidos en Hospital IESS Latacunga, periodo septiembre 2018 – junio 2019
2019-10-10Registro en:
Navarrete Cruz, Verónica Alexandra ; Rivilla Morales, Ronny Marcel. (2019). Factores desencadenantes de colecistitis aguda en pacientes atendidos en Hospital IESS Latacunga, periodo septiembre 2018 – junio 2019. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Navarrete Cruz, Verónica Alexandra
Rivilla Morales, Ronny Marcel
The objective of this research work is to determine the main trigger factors of acute cholecystitis in patients at the IESS Latacunga Hospital by relating them to similar research papers. In the first instance the theoretical framework was developed. It contains fundamental definitions on topics such as gallbladder, cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. Afterwards, the methodological framework describes the qualitative and quantitative approach by applying the inductive-deductive method in which a descriptive and correlational analysis is carried out. It has been based on the documentary research of medical records at IESS Latacunga hospital in patients who presented acute cholecystitis. The final results obtained verified that this pathology is directly related to risk factors such as: age (20 to 35), sex (female), overweight and sedentary lifestyle, which have increased its prevalence and incidence for cholelithiasis. It is concluded that the main cause of cholecystitis is the presence of gallstones at the level of the bile duct with a higher incidence in females. It is recommended to use medical parameters, complementary examinations and images to obtain a conclusive diagnosis. This will allow to administer a timely and specific treatment in patients with this pathology improving their quality of life.