Evaluación experimental de la resistencia al corte en juntas tipo T en acero ASTM A36, con soldadura de filete bajo proceso SMAW
2022-12-23Registro en:
Acuña Saltos, Marco Patricio. (2022). Evaluación experimental de la resistencia al corte en juntas tipo T en acero ASTM A36, con soldadura de filete bajo proceso SMAW. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Acuña Saltos, Marco Patricio
This work had as objective the experimental evaluation of the resistance to cutting in fillet welds
in ASTM A36 steel with SMAW process. The geometry of the coupons was carried out in
accordance with the provisions of the ASME IX part QB standard and the AWS Dl.1 2020
welding code was applied. Nine coupons of different thicknesses of 4, 6 and 8 mm were
experimentally made through a test tensile and a simulation was carried out in ANSYS to obtain
the validation of the tested coupons. The welds were verified by manual calculation and an
"Excel" electronic sheet of the joints between the beam column, peripheral and internal critical
points of the first floor of a three-story educational unit were taken into account. The peripheral
connections are subjected to shear plus tension while the internal connections are under shear.
The welding process was supported with a WPS. Once the weld seams were applied, tests were
carried out using penetrating inks, magnetic particles and visual inspection in order to rule out
defects. The percentage error of the resistance to cutting between the theoretical value and the
experimenta1 value was calculated, where errors of 2,13%, 1,04% and 95% were obtained for the
coupons of 4, 6 and 8 mm respectively. It was validated in ANSYS through the principle of the
energy of Hourglass where there were also errors below 10%. It is concluded that the typical
union that is made between beam-column in our environment is not adequate. However, through
the experimental tests that were carried out on the coupons extracted from the geometric
dimensions of the beam-column joints. It was determined that the capacity of the welding is
greater than the requested demand. Tt is recommended to use of pre-qualified connections.