Estado del arte para el diseño de una planta piloto para la obtención de frutas deshidratadas.
2022-08-10Registro en:
Guamán Chacaguasay, Luis Efrain. (2022). Estado del arte para el diseño de una planta piloto para la obtención de frutas deshidratadas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guamán Chacaguasay, Luis Efrain
The objective of this research project was to carry out the state of the art for the design of a pilot plant for the production of dehydrated fruits. The methodology used consisted of a compilation of information from technical bibliographic sources such as: SCOPUS, Scielo, Springer, Science Direct, DSPACE ESPOCH, Redalyc and other free access sites such as: Google Scholar, Research Gate, and others. The inclusion criterion was only articles published in the last five years and a classification of the information that addresses important topics about fruit dehydration plants such as: fruit dehydration, dehydrator design and Gibson and Brown method. The topics were classified and systematized to then with their information elaborate tables and figures in the form of diagrams of procedures to compare and evaluate the results and determine the conclusions of each of the investigations. With the information, the best type of dryer to dehydrate was determined, the macro and micro location of the establishment, the general technical-economic study of the implementation and the environmental impact that represents the implementation of a fruit dehydration plant and the mitigation to be used. One of the parameters necessary to determine the efficiency of the dehydration plant is the type of dryer to be used. With the bibliographic comparison it was determined that the hot air dryer in a period of 6 hours, at a temperature of 65 °C results in a humidity of 13% preserving the nutritional and organoleptic quality of the final product. The Brown and Gibson method allowed to determine the appropriate place to install a plant. It is recommended to use the synergistic method to determine the competitive advantages.