Auditoría de seguridad vial en la vía E492, en el tramo comprendido entre la vía E35 y la vía E491, provincia de Chimborazo
2022-11-28Registro en:
Cayambe Sánchez, Carlos Jesús; Pichazaca Mayancela, Segundo Manuel. (2022). Auditoría de seguridad vial en la vía E492, en el tramo comprendido entre la vía E35 y la vía E491, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cayambe Sánchez, Carlos Jesús
Pichazaca Mayancela, Segundo Manuel
The present research project with the theme "Road safety audit in the E492 road, in the section between the E35 and E491 roads, province of Chimborazo" the objective of the study was to elaborate a Road Safety Audit focused on the road infrastructure to reduce the traffic accident rate in the established section. For this purpose, it was developed through a mixed approach (quali-quantitative) since it involves people's opinions and numerical data from the measurements taken in the study area, It had a descriptive level because it identified each of the drawbacks of the current situation of the road infrastructure complemented with the exploratory level of research and non-experimental research design because the collection of data or information was done directly in the field of study and no laboratory was used to test the results, it is worth mentioning that the collection of information was supported by research instruments such as: the checklist and the interview guide. Thanks to the results obtained in the current situation of the road infrastructure, it could be evidenced that the level of road safety in the study area is defective due to the lack of road maintenance, the intervention of the authorities is needed and also to be co-responsible the actors of transportation by developing an adequate road culture. It is concluded that 53.67% of the road surface is in poor condition, due to cracks and potholes, lack of vertical and horizontal signage, etc. It is recommended that preventive and routine maintenance of the road infrastructure be carried out in order to contribute to road safety for users.