Apendicitis complicada: plastrón retrovesical
2019-09-10Registro en:
Paredes Sánchez, Martha Sofía. (2019). Apendicitis complicada: plastrón retrovesical. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Paredes Sánchez, Martha Sofía
This document is about a 13-year-old male patient who approaches by Emergency to the Hospital General Docente Riobamba. The patient presents a clinic picture of moderate to high intensity abdominal pain. It is valued as alleged pain of urinary origin; but after being assessed by pediatrics and with the laboratory results, it is discarded; therefore, possible acute inflammatory abdomen is explored. The picture intensifies, then an ultrasound is performed the one that suggests presumed location of appendix in the retrocecal region, so the patient is surgically treated with a diagnosis of Complicated Acute Appendicitis. The surgical procedure which is called appendectomy, is performed without complications; the finding was a rare location - retrovesical. Subsequently, the patient receives antibiotic treatment under a triple scheme, he remains in hospitalization for 11 days and then he is monitored by outpatient consultation of Pediatric Surgery. The Clinical evaluation continue being the best way to diagnose Acute Appendicitis in patients who have a little specific symptomatology characterized by: abdominal pain that is located in the right iliac fossa, anorexia, thermal rise, nausea and/or vomiting. The clinical assessment is essential to a correct diagnosis, it is the most reliable way to identify the inflammatory process of the vermiform appendix. The anatomical location is not common, so doing all the necessary complementary exams on time can help more in its identification.