Branding de destinos para promocionar los atractivos turísticos del GAD Francisco de Orellana
2022-08-08Registro en:
Carcelén Montaño, Ana Belén. (2022). Branding de destinos para promocionar los atractivos turísticos del GAD Francisco de Orellana. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Carcelén Montaño, Ana Belén
This research study was aimed to promote the tourist attractions of Gad Francisco de Orellana through the development of a branding plan so that the methodological framework was based on the application of surveys, through a questionnaire applied to the population of the province of Orellana, the calculation of the sample was carried out through the percentage of the PEA in the urban area of the province and additionally, an interview was applied to the Director of Tourism. From the results obtained, it was determined that the canton needs branding efforts due to the fact that it is not promoted as a tourist destination and the brand is not positioned or recognized among the population. For this reason, it was necessary to design strategies through the development of a branding plan, once the diagnosis was made through the MEFI and MEFE matrices that allowed to know the current situation of the canton in relation to the tourism sector, the threats it faces and the o opportunities that can be taken advantage of the Competitive Profile Matrix which allowed to identify the strong aspects against the competition and the weak elements that must be addressed, and the Weighted SWOT matrix that allowed the development of strategies focused on promoting tourist destinations of the canton, improving the perception about the brand, activating the emotions and sensations of tourists, it is recommended to apply the proposed strategies to improve the promotion of destinations, generate higher impact and attract potential tourists.