“Estudio de factibilidad para la creación del terminal terrestre de pasajeros en el cantón Pelileo, provincia de Tungurahua”
2022-02-08Registro en:
Gavilanes Castillo, Hipatia Anabel; Nivelo Guamán, Jessica Fernanda. (2022). “Estudio de factibilidad para la creación del terminal terrestre de pasajeros en el cantón Pelileo, provincia de Tungurahua”. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Gavilanes Castillo, Hipatia Anabel
Nivelo Guamán, Jessica Fernanda
The present research project entitled: "Feasibility Study for the creation of the Terrestrial Passenger Terminal in the Pelileo Canton, province of Tungurahua", had the purpose of identifying the feasibility of the creation of a terrestrial terminal in Pelileo, due to the fact that it lacks a physical space for intraprovincial and interprovincial transportation. For the efficient fulfillment of this work, various methods and techniques were used, necessary for the collection of information that was required throughout the investigation, therefore, surveys were applied to the population in order to know their perspective. about the current situation of public transport in the Pelileo canton, interviews were also applied to the authorities of the canton and representatives of the companies that offer the service, with the data obtained it was determined whether or not the creation of a land terminal is necessary, reflecting the existence of a null offer due to the lack of a land terminal, in terms of the technical study, the classification of the terminals was identified taking into account the type 2 terminal, considered as a complementary unit of services of the main transport terminal, this terminal may have from 1 6 to 24 platforms, for its implementation an investment of $1 543 39790 is required in a land of 3.5 hectares, therefore, it is suitable to be applied in the canton with around 31 and 60 thousand inhabitants, therefore, Pelileo is within this range, finally, an economic, environmental and social study was carried out, directed to improve the current economic situation of the surroundings of the terminal to improve the quality of life of its population by developing the connectivity system with the entire community.