Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación del sistema de estacionamiento rotativo tarifado en el cantón Tena, provincia de Napo
2022-12-08Registro en:
Jarrín Buenaño, Elje Josué; Pomaquiza Pomaquiza, Juan. (2022). Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación del sistema de estacionamiento rotativo tarifado en el cantón Tena, provincia de Napo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Jarrín Buenaño, Elje Josué
Pomaquiza Pomaquiza, Juan
The objective of this research work was to propose implementing a tariffed rotating parking system in the canton of Tena and verify its viability in improving pedestrian mobility and vehicular traffic. The process of collecting quantitative data and relevant information was carried out through the use of a total of 338 surveys, focused mainly on the use of public spaces and existing parking lots; observation sheets focused on the state of the current road infrastructure in areas with the most outstanding vehicular traffic in the canton of Tena and vehicle gauging in two locations for 9 hours. The results obtained were analyzed and processed using statistical methods that allowed for a better appreciation; concerning the qualitative approach, we proceeded to the analysis and interpretation of each of the results obtained through the three instruments applied to get a more detailed and broader view of the characteristics and conditions of the study area. Thus, it was found that the urban area of Tena canton needs adequate vertical and horizontal signage, negatively influencing the proper development of the canton's roads. In addition, through the gauges, it is evident that 7 of the analyzed sections have an occupancy rate above 50%, indicating a high demand for parking in the study area. It is concluded that by developing this system, there are economic and social benefits for the canton, and it is recommended that for the correct operation of the system, it should be executed based on the technical regulations that allow the user to have access to a quality service.