Evaluación del producto químico hymexazol y del producto biológico Trichoderma harzianum para el control de Damping off en plantas de cedro (Cedrela montana Moritz ex Turcz.).
2022-12-02Registro en:
Sevilla Ramos, Diana Gabriela. (2022). Evaluación del producto químico hymexazol y del producto biológico Trichoderma harzianum para el control de Damping off en plantas de cedro (Cedrela montana Moritz ex Turcz.). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Sevilla Ramos, Diana Gabriela
This research aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the chemical product Hymexazol and the biological product Trichoderma harzianum for the control of Damping off in the forest species Cedrela montana. The applied methodology was through three applications with the corresponding doses which were carried out at 15, 30, and 45 days, evaluating the number of leaves, shoots, and the height of the forest species. The research approach is directed towards the use of biological products for the control of certain phytopathogenic diseases, by realizing their value in efficiency against chemical products. In addition, data was collected to be an experimental and comparative work before each application. It means that with the help of a rule, the height of each plant was measured, then the counting of leaves and buds was continued in order to proceed with the corresponding application using the following dose: 30cm3 of Trichoderma harzianum in 3 liters of water and 20 cm3 of Hymexazol in 3 liters of water. They were applied in a period of 15 days to 90 plants for each treatment since the statistical design used was a Complete Random Design. As result, it was obtained that the biological incidence of the product Trichoderma harzianum and the chemical product Hymexazol were efficient for the control of Damping off. In the economic issue, the treatment T1R1 (Trichoderma harzianum ) shows a lower cost with respect to T2R1 (Himexazol) at $56.65. Therefore, the biological product Trichoderma harzianum replaces the chemical Hymexazol, since its efficiency is notorious. It was recommended that the biological product Trichoderma harzianum was for possible research on the control of phytopathogenic diseases and as a biostimulant in various forest species.