Análisis del Desarrollo de las Exportaciones en el Sector Agroindustrial de la Provincia del Guayas, Año 2021
Vargas Moran, Favio Moisés
The agricultural sector continues to play an important role in the economic development of the Ecuador, being a primary source of the employment with a view to promoting the exportable supply of its products, especially if the country's small and medium producers are integrated. Therefore, the development of agro-industries is justified due to the efficient performance of crops, for which they are processed on a larger scale through technology to provide greater competitiveness in a globalized world that ensures the quality of its products. products based on the continuous improvement of the value chain, environmental sustainability and social responsibility, being key factors of added value for the products through tools that technify their processes. However, the spread of SARS-COV-2 had an impact on changing the export dynamics of agro-industrial products in 2020, in addition to a slow reactivation of the economy during 2021. For this reason, this research is carried out, whose objective tends to analyze the development of exports in the agro-industrial sector of the province of Guayas, year 2021, through a documentary and descriptive research, obtaining results that indicate as dominant factors of development the lack of public policies that promote SMEs to business environments conducive to improving the economic level of the sector through continuous training.