Efecto del taladrado para la extracción de núcleos en la pérdida de ligante, evaluada en pavimentos asfálticos de mezclas en frío
Cerón Pilamunga, Charles Darwin
Reinoso Casa, Jefferson Roberto
In the field of engineering there are hot and cold
mixtures. For its correct performance, it is vital to
have an adequate asphalt mix, which entails quality
procedures both at the time of its design and its
placement. With respect to cold asphalt mixes, these
have the advantage that they do not require the use of
energy to heat them, since they use asphalt emulsions,
which facilitate their placement and compaction in
hot, temperate and cold climates.
The cold mix asphalt was made with asphalt emulsion
and aggregates from the Pifo quarry. When using this
mixture, two processes were carried out, the
manufacture of compact briquettes manually and the
extraction of nuclei.
With the objective of identifying through a
comparative and experimental study the loss of
asphalt binder between the manually compacted
briquettes and the extraction of cores. Which were
extracted from a wearing course in service in order to
determine the degree of correlation of the essential
parameters to determine the percentage of asphalt
used both in the laboratory and on site. It is determined that the behavior of the mixtures obtained by both compaction and nuclei have a similar performance and that the technique for obtaining nuclei does not influence the loss of asphalt, having used refrigerant for the extraction of samples.