¿Por qué me pegas? una lectura exegético-teológica de Lucas 6, 29a, Mateo 5, 39 y Juan 18, 22-23
Yépez Villareal, Jorge Edison
The exegetical-narrative method is the tool chosen to try to put into dialogue three biblical texts from different authors and recipients. From Luke 6, 29a: "Whoever strikes you on one cheek, offer the other also". From Matthew 5, 39: “For I tell you, do not resist evil; Rather, whoever slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other also.” The praxis of these teachings (Lk 6, 29a and Mt 5, 39), apparently theoretical, seem to be reflected in the third text in dialogue, John 18, 23: «If I have spoken wrong, say what is wrong; but if I have spoken well, why do you hit me?». Is Jesus' attitude one of submission, of defeat? What is behind the words of the Nazarene? What is the contribution and reality of the Gospel of John in relation to the issue of respect for human dignity?