Video documental sobre los procesos de comunicación y simbolismos de los grupos hardcore en Quito.
Chango Pavon, Carol Micaela
Trujillo Andrade, Estéfano Nicolas
The hardcore is one of the genres born in the United States, from punk was part of a cultural
growth in different parts of America, but to reach Latin America, its scope is to some people.
This research shows more to this urban culture to know in depth the processes of
communication that exerts to be hardcore and what are the symbols that characterizes them as
an identity.
The documentary is part of the observation to present hardcore through its symbols, its spaces
and its communication. The spaces where they perform their concerts are part of their
expression, their dances are part of symbolism, as well as tattoos and forms of dress, music as
part of their hymns, and philosophy of life is portrayed through this written and audiovisual
The process for the construction of the documentary video is given from the interviews of
people who have been part of the hardcore scene in Quito for several years. Along with this is
also understood from several authors that help to better understand how communication
processes are created and how to understand the symbolism that accompanies them, in order to
give visibility about this subculture that lets us see their spaces, how they feel identified in
society and the expressions that characterizes them