Análisis de recepción del contenido del streamer Auronplay en la plataforma Twitch
Acosta Calles, Anthony Alejandro
The purpose of this research is to determine, in what way, the followers of the streamer
Auronplay receive his content, taking into account the language, the themes he
addresses in the live broadcasts, the scenario he handles in his stream, the characteristics
that identify the personality of Raúl Álvarez; and to what extent they are assumed by the
fandom in everyday life.
From a descriptive perspective with a mixed method, a survey is applied to 312
followers of the Spanish streamer Auronplay, to establish the age range, years as
followers, viewing time of live broadcasts, preferences for typical phrases in their live
broadcasts, slang, content and contexts. In addition to them, two focus groups are
working to identify the reasons why they follow this streamer.
The fandoms are clearly a cultural community, to the extent that they feel identified
with Auronplay's personality, not only because of the video games, but also because of
the content, the current issues it addresses, the interaction with its audience, the
spontaneity, characteristics that allow your audience to feel close and belong to a
specific group