Mejora del proceso en la selección de sujetos de crédito a partir del análisis del impacto del COVID-19 en los índices de morosidad, para la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito “Esperanza del Futuro Ltda” de la ciudad de Quito sector Conocoto período 2020
Moya Arias, Roberto Carlos
The objective of this methodological proposal is to determine the impact generated by the COVID 19 pandemic on the behavior of delinquency rates in the COAC Esperanza del Futuro, in the Conocoto sector, belonging to segment 4, and in this way make an improvement of the credit subject selection process, which allows this entity to obtain technical support through the application of the 5 C credit methodology, identifying the process, activities, and involving in them the measurement of character, capacity, capital, collateral and conditions, through analysis of historical data provided by the same entity, both in the behavior of its credit portfolio, main accounts and financial indicators in the months of the year 2020, in addition to conducting a survey of operational managers with the objective of establishing qualitative information on the characteristics of the process and of the subjects of credit, which allow delivering a methodological opposite more in line with the reality of the cooperative and that contribute to the sustainability and development of this type of organization in contexts of instability and contingencies
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