dc.creatorAndresen Hernández, Max
dc.creatorHenríquez Valenzuela, Mauricio
dc.creatorMercado Flores, Marcelo Esteban
dc.creatorFarías Gontupil, Gonzalo
dc.creatorCastillo Sepúlveda, Carmen
dc.creatorBenítez Gajardo, Carlos Esteban
dc.creatorDougnac Labatut, Alberto
dc.description.abstractCardiac output can be measured non invasively by transesophageal Doppler. This is an alternative to measure it by thermodilution with a catheter in the pulmonary artery. Aim: To compare both methods of cardiac output measurement. Material and methods: Simultaneous measurement of cardiac output by transesophageal Doppler and thermodilution with a catheter in the pulmonary artery in four male critical patients, aged 60±12 years, hospitalized in a University Hospital. The Bland and Altman method to compare the concordance between two measurements, was used. Results: Forty measurements were performed. The results of both methods had a correlation coefficient of 0.98. According to the Bland and Altman method, the difference between both methods was -0.5 L with a precision of 0.52 L/min (95% confidence interval -1.51 to 0.52 L/min). Considering that a change between two sequential measurements is considered significant when the difference is more than 15%, both measurements agreed in 83% of cases, that there was a change in cardiac output. Conclusions: Transesophageal Doppler is a promising non invasive technique to measure cardiac output in critical care patients. It becomes a valid alternative to the thermodilution technique.
dc.rightsacceso restringido
dc.subjectCardiac output
dc.subjectDoppler ultrasonography
dc.titleDeterminación y análisis comparativo de gasto cardíaco en enfermos críticos mediante Doppler transesofágico y termodilución en bolos. Experiencia preliminar

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