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Detecting anomalies in DNS protocol traces via Passive Testing and Process Mining
2014Registro en:
Saint-Pierre Cortés, Cecilia
Cifuentes, F
Bustos-Jiménez, J.
In this article we present our first approach in using Passive Testing (used in protocol and software conformance checking) and Process Mining (used in enterprise workflow analysis) techniques for analyzing DNS operation traces. We propose a process approach for DNS protocol, modeling it as a sequence of structured activities, queries and responses that are executed by actors, in this case clients and servers, with the objective of exchange some valuable information. As an example, we applied our techniques over A Day in Internet Life DNS traces for showing how easily a mail bonnet attack can be discovered. We conclude that with our first approach this techniques have promising future in order to analyze DNS traces, and plan to extend the testing for conformance against the formal definition of DNS presented in the RFC 1035.