dc.description.abstract | Toxic metal enrichment in urban soils from natural and anthropogenic sources is a public health concern thatchallenges sustainable urban development. Active and legacy mining is likely a major contributor of localizedmetal pollution in resource-based economies, although other sources associated with industrial and trans-portation activities may also contribute in urban settings. In mining countries, such as Chile, with no soil qualityregulation, public policies that seek to protect human health should assess metal distribution and pollution in-dexes to guide interventions, especially in urban green spaces. To assess the role of active and legacy miningwaste sites within the urban and peri-urban areas, metal concentrations in the soils of urban parks weremeasured in this study, and four pollution indexes were calculated for four cities of Chile. Copiap ́o and Andacolloin northern Chile represented the cities with several active and legacy mining waste sites located within theurban and peri-urban areas, while conurbation La Serena-Coquimbo and Gran Santiago represented the cities inmining districts that lacked major mining waste sites within their urban perimeters. A total of 82 (Copiap ́o), 30(Andacollo), 26 (La Serena-Coquimbo), and 59 (Gran Santiago) composite surface soil samples were collectedfrom the urban parks. Considering Canadian guidelines for residential/parkland soils, the value for Cu (63 mg/kg) was found to be exceeded in 99%, 50%, 100%, and 97% of samples collected from Copiap ́o, La Serena-Coquimbo, Andacollo, and Gran Santiago, respectively. The guidelines for lead (140 mg/kg) and zinc (250mg/kg) were exceeded in less than 12% of samples collected from Copiap ́o and Gran Santiago. Arsenic was notmainly quantified (<10% quantification frequency, quantification limit = 36 mg/kg). The calculated modifiedpollution load, Nemerow, and soil quality indexes indicated that soils in the urban parks were more polluted incities with urban mine wastes, however, the pollution load index ranked higher metal pollution in Gran Santiago.This study presented the first comparative study of metals in urban parks of Chile, highlighting a large proportionof parks with soil copper concentrations above the international guidelines, while showing higher median values in cities containing urban mine waste disposal sites. | |