Historiografía urbana en Latinoamérica. Del positivismo al postmodernismo
Almandoz, Arturo
The article addresses the development of Latin America’s urban and planning historiography, from some of its positivist antecedents during the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, focusing afterwards on the period after the 1960s, when these fields started to epistemologically differentiate. Urban history is related with the disciplines that have nourished it– economic and social history, geography, architectural history – as well as with some models that have inspired it, such as the School of Dependency, the Annals School, postmodernism and so forth. The shaping of Latin America’s historiography will be illustrated throughout key figures and works that are considered especially influential for the region. While reviewing some of the authors and works dealing with the urbanization, the city and its urbanism, a distinction between urban and planning history is aimed at, the latter understood as the history of the discipline and its prospective models.