Spanish idiomatic unity
La unidad idiomática española
Ferrer, Manuel Augusto
Spanish idiomatic unity is the subject I propose to develop in this dissertation, which I must not give a technical character; and I will do so in an attempt to show how, historically, the fate of the language was the fate of Spain: together they were born, developed and reached the peak of their common greatness and expansion.Spain: together they were born, developed and reached the peak of their common greatness and expansion. La unidad idiomática española es el tema que me propongo desarrollar en esta disertación, a la que no debo dar, ajustado carácter técnico; y lo haré en el intento de mostrar cómo, históricamente, la suerte de la lengua fue la suerte deEspaña: juntas nacieron, se desarrollaron y alcanzaron la cima de su común grandeza y expansión.