A new updated Magnetic Map of the Republic of Argentina
Gil, María Inés
Paparas, Mariana A.
Nollas, Fernando Martín
Gianibelli, Julio César
Resumen de presentación realizada en el XVIIth IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data
Acquisition and Processing, del 04 al 10 de septiembre de 2016 en Bélgica. In this paper we show the evolution and current status of the new Magnetic Map Project for the Republic of Argentina with the aim of achieving a better and more precise characterization of the EMF in the National Territory, this requires to accurately design a survey network for the Magnetic Repeat Stations (MRS); ultimately this project will provide new data about the origin and evolution of the EMF and, thru geophysical services, provide means to transfer this knowledge to industry and society.