Evolution of fintechs in Argentina.
Evolución de fintechs en Argentina.;
Evolução dos fintechs na Argentina.
Sánchez, Marisa Analía
Zalba, Noelia Pamela
Zoppis, Juan
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the fintech industry in Argentina. The methodology adopts an exploratory approach based on Actor-Network theory. Secondary data sources and the use of three case studies support information gathering. Results show that there are more than one hundred fintechs. Cases reveal that a key fintechs’ competitive advantage is to offer a service much more agile, simple, and in less time than a brick-and-mortar bank. Practical insights on how to interact with other actors in a business ecosystem and build on network effects to capture value are discussed. The regulatory framework is still on making what poses a major challenge for enterprises.
financial services, digital transformation, Actor-Network-theory, Argentina.