Methodology for the assessment of brucellosis management practices and its vaccination campaign : example in two Argentine districts
Aznar, Maria Natalia
Arregui, Matias Ezequiel
Humblet, M.F.
Samartino, Luis Ernesto
Saegerman, C.
Background: In Argentina, vaccination with Brucella abortus Strain 19 vaccine is mandatory. The objective of the study was to develop and test a method for evaluating, in an innovative way, some farmers’ and veterinarians’
management practices in relation to brucellosis and to assess the vaccination campaign and coverage. The work took place in Brandsen and Navarro districts. Four questionnaires were designed (for officials from Local Sanitary Entities, vaccinators, vet practitioners and farmers). Responses were coded as “ideal” (0) and “not ideal” (1). To assess the relative weight of each question (“item”), experts ranked the items according to their impact on management practices and vaccination. A weighted score was then calculated. A higher weighted score was assigned to the worse practices. Farmers obtaining a global weighted score above the third quartile were classified as “inappropriately managed farms”, to be compared per type of production system and district. To assess the immunization coverage, female calves were sampled 30 to 50 days post vaccination; they were expected to react positively to serological diagnostic tests (DT+).