Desafios de design estratégico como meio de mudanças das culturas organizacionais
Silber, Claudia Caldas
This paper aims to contribute to the development of scientific research in the field of strategic design by proposing that the updating of the value proposition of organizations, facing the challenges imposed by the current social and economic contexts, is related to the transformation of the organizational culture. Changing the culture of an organization is a complex issue, because it is a systemic process that involves organizational values, as well as processes, beliefs, thoughts and attitudes. However, knowledge in strategic design is skills not commonly present in internal teams of organizations, but can be incorporated into their structures as external resources by hiring consulting firms specialized in strategic design. By working alongside the organizational context of clients, strategic design consulting firms add not only expertise and methods, but also the thinking and design attitude. This set of tools and skills form the design culture, which, through its capabilities, can contribute to the evolution of organizations. By affecting organizational structures, the design culture catalyzes changes that transform the culture of organizations open and permeable to the action of design. However, in organizations with a conservative culture, barriers and resistance to change may arise, with the intention of preserving the existing model, limiting the transforming action of design, which can operate as an instrument to transpose these limits. The qualitative research was carried out based on a multiple case study making possible the understanding about the transforming capacity of the strategic design in the organizations considered units of analysis of this study. The integration among multiple actors at the various levels of organizational structures resulted from the consulting company's action that activated a dialogic process through the tools of strategic design in order to guide the strategy, promote creative processes, and build collective meanings for the generation of value.