Políticas educacionais e o combate à pobreza: uma análise sobre o Programa Mulheres Mil
Medeiros, Aline Nunes da Cunha de
The present work aims to analyze a public policy in the field of professional and technological education. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the PMM (Thousand Women Program), which was incorporated into PRONATEC (National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment) in 2014. This Program was created by the Federal Government in 2011, in order to expand the offer of Professional and Technological Education courses, through programs, projects, and technical and financial assistance actions. The PMM presents a proposal of a gender-oriented inclusive nature, aimed at the increase of schooling and integration in the labor market. Initially, it was developed as a pilot project (2005-2010), and, as of 2011, transformed into a nationwide program. This program was a Brazil's response resulting from the international influence in the poverty reduction plan. The objective of the program was to provide vocational training for women aged 16 and over in situations of social vulnerability, with the intention of integrating them into the world of work. The theoretical basis of the study is based on the historical-dialectical conception. In the methodology, two case studies of courses of the Federal-Sul-rio-grandense Institute Thousand Women Program, Pelotas Campus – Cardboard Handmade Manufacturer and Recycling of Solid Waste –, were used, aligned with the principles of solidarity economy. Nine students and five managers who participated in the program were interviewed. This text includes the context of formulation of documents based on the recommendations of international organizations regarding the role of women in the fight against poverty, and the political agreement expressed through the conventions and treaties to which Brazil was a signatory, going from the reading of the texts that produce the policy (Methodological Guide of the Thousand Women Program, primer, resolutions, decrees, articles that bring political discourses, government plans, among others), to the implementation of the policy and its resignification by the institutes. The participants of the two courses, collaborators in this study, were able to integrate the world of work. However, experiences in other courses and institutes show different results. The testimonies of the alumnae on the participation in the courses revealed positive effects concerning greater autonomy of women in life situations, both in economic and emotional aspects. In addition, these women rediscovered rights and experienced a human and citizen education. The training experience has aroused an embryonic movement of critical conception which can lead to the transition from lumpenproletariat to proletariat, constituting a class consciousness and contributing to social transformation.