Protocolo clínico assistencial de enfermagem à saúde do idoso nas unidades básicas de saúde da família no município de Balsas – Maranhão
Carvalho, Ana Maria Marques de
To develop a care protocol of nursing to the health of the elderly in basic health units in the city of Balsas / MA. This is an exploratory study of systematic review, descriptive, search in the Cochrane Library database, Cochrane Plus, available on the Virtual Health Library - Bireme; PubMed / MEDLINE (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health); LILACS (Scientific and Technical Literature of Latin America and the Caribbean); Bank of Theses and Dissertations of CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination); ELSEVIER; Web of Science; ProQuest Nursing; the collection of scientific articles of SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). They were used to search the health descriptors (DeCS) and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) and their combinations through Boolean: elderly / aging; guideline / protocol; evaluation / rating / appraisal; nursing; pratical nurse. The description of the steps for preparing the clinical protocol follows the recommendations of the methodological guidelines on Guide to Building Nursing Assistance Protocols. To systematize the information we used the PICO method (Patient, Intervention, Comparison and outcome) and for data analysis the level of evidence rating system of the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment recommendation rating, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). Data search strategy resulted in 2,355 articles. For the selection of items, used was reading the titles, abstracts, and selected 92 articles to read in its entirety, of which 37 articles were included in the sample. The protocol resulted of the main evidence presented. The construction of this protocol is a tool to assist in the care practice decision making in gerontology. His execution will take place after its validation and deployment.