Critérios para banho de leito em unidade de terapia intensiva adulto: construção de um protocolo assistencial
Haubert, Graziela Pereira Flores
The bed bath of adult critical care patient is an activity that requires planning and organization in all its stages. OBJECTIVE: To develop a clinical protocol with criteria for the bed bath in critically ill adult patients. METHODS: A systematic review using the PICO strategy for defining the problem and search strategies used the descriptors and Medical Subject Headings (Nursing Care, Clinical Protocols; Intensive Care / Critical Care, Bath and Hygiene). The articles were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The relevant test was used in selected studies and ratings as evidence advocated by Oxford. The protocol was built using the proposals of the Institute of Medicine. The ideas and authenticity of the information were kept under the law. RESULTS: The methodological search in databases using the descriptors and MESH resulted in 2,026 articles. Of these 42 PUBMED / MEDLINE, 2,026 of ProQuest Nursing, 4 Web of Science, Scopus and 35 of the CAPES thesis database. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria and careful analysis of the selected articles, as well as excluding items repeated in bases resulted 21 articles. CONCLUSION: The construction of this Protocol will ensure the quality and standardization of evaluation criteria and nursing procedures, the systematization of bed bath in patients admitted to intensive care unit. Its effectiveness will take place after its validation and deployment.