Contribuições do design estratégico para o método sistêmico na construção de cenários
Schwalbe, Luciane
Social, technological, economic and cultural transformations constitute a process of changing perceived in society as a whole. It means the need for understanding of change and complexity of a global point of view, a change in thinking (ACKOFF, 1981). It emerges the need to manage social and organizational structures increasingly complex. In this sense, the Systemic Thinking shows itself as an alternative to the Cartesian Analytical Thinking proposes to challenge the mental models that prevent the systemic and sustainable vision of the solutions. Likewise, the Strategic Design, from the interpretation of the reality complexity, offers the necessary changes through its ability to see (interpret the context), to foresee (build scenarios), and top view (make the concept concrete). (ZURLO, 2010). Its performance is evidenced by logic of making, applying a look on the whole and leading the process to the most tangible stages of the execution. Observe contexts, anticipate changes and visualize scenarios are performance perspectives that find relationship between the dimensions of the Strategic Design and the System Method. In this regard, the study aims to understand how the Strategic Design can contribute to the System Method in building scenarios for complex problems solution. The empirical and conceptual subsidies of the action-research were obtained from the literature review, workshops application in a third sector organization, participant observation and interviews. As a result, it is proposed a preliminary methodological essay that contemplates concepts, principles and instruments that aim the collaboration stimulus, creativity, innovation and visuality through the introduction of environments and data that are external to the problem, Blue Sky Research, counter briefing and visual resources.