Análise do alinhamento de uma agência bancária de varejo à expectativa de um segmento de clientes
Jaworowski, Róger
Using a methodology based on Design Science Research, this research investigated the performance attributes valued by individual customers of a segment, from bank branches in the interior of RS of a large Brazilian retail bank, and evaluated the current capacity to service these atributes by these agencies. To achieve this goal, the study proposed an artifact, which was named Instrument for Analysis and Management of Perception of Value (IAGPV), combining a refined value scale by Exploratory Factor Analysis for this segment - which identified the attributes – and an Importance-Performance Matrix – which allowed us to diagnose the alignment of these agencies with the expectations of these clients. The research was carried out in two stages, the first, exploratory-qualitative, comprising a systematic literature review, in which dimensions related to the customer's perception of value and the consumption experience were addressed; and a panel of experts to update and validate the adopted value scale. The second stage, of a quantitative-descriptive nature, included two surveys: one to refine the original scale for the behavioral segment studied, emerging the performance attributes valued by these customers, and the other, using the refined scale instrument, with a response capture system based on performance gaps, to associate it with the Performance Importance Matrix and diagnose the alignment of the analyzed agencies with the expectations of this audience. Through the research carried out, it is possible to conclude that the method developed is relevant, innovative, simple to apply, and suitable for the proposed purpose. The study identified that clients in this behavioral segment value, in order of importance, attributes related to Trust, Convenience in the Channels, Managerial Posture, Personalization of Relationship and Image, and that there is a need to improve the agencies analyzed in four of these five dimensions.