Reputação corporativa: efeitos sobre o desempenho socioeconômico e a atividade exportadora das organizações
Nardi, Vinicius Antonio Machado
The objective of this work is the identification of the relationship between corporate reputation, the socio-economic performance and the export activity of Brazilian and Spanish wineries. It is used panel data analysis from the collection of secondary data from the Brazilian and Spanish wineries along interviews with experts and producers, identifying the corporate reputation positively influences the export activity acting as qualifier for insertion in the international market of emerging industries. Not identified in the sample analyzed relationships between corporate reputation and the socio-economic performance of companies. The study contributes to the literature examining the effects of corporate reputation on the export activities and the socio-economic performance for this feature extending the discussion on drivers of international activity of the firm. It also helps to introduce new indicators for measuring the social performance and to identify a predictive reputation for improving the socio-economic performance.