As próximas horas serão muito boas. Materialidades e estéticas da comunicação em duas apresentações ao vivo da banda Cachorro Grande
Nunes, Caroline Govari
This dissertation wants to question two live performances of the gaucho rock band Cachorro Grande. We adopt basically two perspectives: materiality and aesthetics of Communication. First, expository character, we describe the biography of our research object, where we present album by album, all band’s phases. Then, we present our methodological approach and explain why we chose the ethnographic method for our research. Later, we work with the archeology of the gaucho rock genre – bringing to the foreground also a discussion of this term, presenting other elements to consider about the Cachorro Grande – and discuss the issues related to cultural industries, music scenes and identity in which the group transits. At this stage, we examine the ways in which this music scene is presented and discuss on the cultural and identity practices in the urban space to understand the relationship of Cachorro Grande within this scenario. Therefore, we speak of symbolic negotiations, different affiliations and performances games over the band's career. When discussing the theory of materiality, non-hermeneutic area and decentralization of the subject, we talk about an aesthetic experience that involves different communication devices. In the production of presence, we raise questions relative to the materials and discussed the employment of techno-media artifacts and aesthetic effect. We focus mainly on the rock concert, which is our main observable.