Jogos vorazes e a cultura da espetacularização
Pereira, Irving Thaygo Ferreira
This work focuses on analyzing Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games trilogy under
the socio-political context of the society presented in the books. Its theoretical bases
consists in Guy Debord’s The Society of Spectable and Comments in the Society of
Spectable aiming to answer two guiding questions: Which social and political issues
are presented in this trilogy? How are they presented? This work brings a definition of
dystopia and utopia for a better understanding of the analysis and a review of literature
of woks made with this book series. The methodology is a review of literature, the
analysis still introduces two themes that are seen as a spectable: romance and
violence, and compares protest symbols that are presented in the book series, relating
them with current worldwide issues. Debord (1997, p. 171) claims “the spectacle would
be merely the excesses of the media, whose nature, unquestionably good since it
facilitates communication, is sometimes driven to extremes.” The analysis is made
through selected parts from Suzanne Collins’s and Guy Debord’s books, concluding
that the social and political issues are presented in the trilogy indeed.