Modos de (re)existir, de (res)sentir: mulheres negras e relações raciais na educação contemporânea
Weschenfelder, Viviane Inês
The main goal of this Dissertation was to understand how the processes of subjectivation of the subjects whose recognize themselves as Black are produced in contemporary Brazil and how these subjectivities help us to problematize the Multicultural Education. The research relies on post-structuralism perspective, articulating Foucaultian Studies, Racial Relations studies, and the Education field. The strengthening of Brazilian blackness, evidenced since the 1970s, allowed blackness to be understood as a matrix of experience, based on Foucault’s theoretical framework. The blackness’ matrix of experience is composed of three axes: the axis of knowledge that works as truths, the axis of power that governs the Black population, and the axis of subjectivation/ethic, allowing Black subjects to control themselves since the relationship with self, with the blackness’ truths and with others. In order to understand the axis of subjectivation, 36 autobiographical narratives produced and published by Black women in the Blogueiras Negras’ blog, between 2013 and 2016 year, were analyzed. Furthermore, the notions of discourse and self-writing are used as theoretical and methodological tools. Blogueiras Negras works as a strong educative place, because the ways of government to become Black women, as well as to activate the permanent learning of these subjects that are in contact with the blog, including the management of the feelings and the struggle against the racial discrimination. Beyond the description and the analysis of process of identity subjectivation and racial ressentiment, school and teaching were problematized from the selected narratives, what made possible to think about Multicultural Education. Thus, the thesis put forward that the process of identity subjectivation, experienced by the subjects that are part of blackness’ matrix of experience, has as one of the main effects the expression of racial ressentiment. The ressentiment put the racial relations in tension and those feelings may be redirected to the political struggle and the ethical transformation. Insofar as teaching will be constituted by the commitment with an antiracist education and by its ethic, aesthetic and political dimensions, the school could develop fewer violent processes of in/exclusion and racial relations that result, above all, in singular subjectivities.