A educação humanística na proposta pedagógica inaciana: uma discussão frente aos desafios da sociedade contemporânea
Landim, Glauco Félix Teixeira
The main motivation for this research was the need to seek indications so that Colégio São Francisco Xavier, of the Jesuit Network of Basic Education, attentive to its context and the current challenges, can follow its path of innovation, seeking that its educational practice is effectively integral and integrative, according to the Jesuit educational tradition. The general objective was to understand how the humanistic aspect is manifested in the documents of the educational area of the Society of Jesus, as well as in the perception of teachers, students and graduates, in order to provide a reflection that enables the school to build a path that is coherent with these principles and at the same time in dialogue with the current educational context. In methodological terms, the work is identified as qualitative, having used questionnaires with teachers, students and graduates of Colégio São Francisco Xavier, in addition to documentary research as data collection instruments. From the development of this work, it is clear that the institution is on a promising path in carrying out its mission. An example of this is its commitment to implementing the guidelines of the PEC – Projeto Educativo Comum (RJE, 2016), which enabled a broad renewal of educational practices, curriculum and even the structural environments of the school. However, this study shows that there are relevant aspects to be carefully observed so that the school continues to advance in its learning proposal, such as promoting an increasingly participatory management, carrying out a serious and in-depth reflection on the school curriculum, and operationalizing it in an increasingly effective way, the articulation between the academic and pastoral dimensions in the Jesuit college. Finally, this research offers to the management team of Colégio São Francisco Xavier, as an intervention proposal, a set of recommendations that aim to contribute to the construction process of its politicalpedagogical project.