A "Hiper" atividade como linguagem corporal na criança.
2020-05-28Registro en:
SANTOS, Quétsia Rosane da Silva. A 'Hiper' atividade como linguagem corporal na criança. 2020. 94 fl. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco.Pró-reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação. Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica, 2020.
Santos, Quétsia Rosane da Silva
The child psychoanalysis clinic confronts the symptoms of a mixed epoch. What is seen
currently, is an efficiency and productive demand which requires mind and body acceleration.
Paradoxically, “hyperactive” children, as the manifestation of children being in the present
moment, are seen as expression of “abnormality”, and nevertheless they are a representative
image of the discomfort and the difficulties of dealing with such demands. This work aims to
reflect over the “hyper” corporal activities of children as expression infantile malaise, from
the contextualization of the psychoanalyst concepts of pulse, mirror stage and the constitution
of the subject. The constitution of the Unconscious Body-Image, will be approached based on
the concept described by Françoise Dolto, as a way to understand the “hyper” corporal
activity of a child, expressed by the excess of motor activity, emphasizing the notion of
“sinboligens castrations” to assign the obstacles that the child must face for his own
development. In conclusion, the matter of body language was analyzed as an expression of
child suffering with bases in an illustrative clinic case, known as “Rose’s case” reviewed by
Maria do Rosário Collier do Rêgo Barros, under the Lacanian approach. A new reading for
such case is proposed with the elements of Dolto’s clinic, specially by taking the concept of
Unconscious Body-Image. In this case, the child diagnosed with the scientific tag of ADHD
reacts to the condition of being born without mediation with the language of the maternal
other. Here, it’s aimed to treat the massification of the infantile diagnose, which opposes to
the construction of a knowledge about what the symptom cause of the subject is, and this how
we differ the “hyper” activity from the hyperactivity. The first term as a body language, being
able to communicate the infantile malaise through the singularity slant, and the second one
alluding the clinical status of ADHD, described by the DSM-V.