O processo terapêutico no atendimento psicológico domiciliar sob o olhar da psicanálise
Reichel, Tais Jochims
This research aims to present a discussion on the characteristics of the therapeutic process in psychological home care from the analysis of the fundamental concepts of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, such as: the setting, the neutrality, intervention and therapeutic relationship. Moreover, it proposes to identify and understand the technical aspects of this type of monitoring, conducting a technical and theoretical reflection from the psychoanalytical references. The methodology used was the case study. It was presented and discussed the reports of two cases of John and Luciana, who received psychological care home for six months. The sessions were analyzed through the from analytical categories proposed: setting neutrality, intervention and therapeutic relationship. It was that the therapeutic process has specific characteristics regarding the home setting, the therapeutic, the technique used and the attitude of the therapist in relation to neutrality, situations that distinguish it from a conventional psycho