Identificação de competências organizacionais no contexto da gestão social no terceiro setor: o caso casa da juventude padre Burnier
Silva, Paulo César Pereira da
This work was conceived to identify the organizational skills of an organization established in the context of social management of the Third Sector and focused in a preferential support for impoverished adolescents and youngsters in the city of Goiânia, Goiás State, Brazil. To reach the proposed objectives, we tried to discuss the research from the economic and social transformations that contemporary society is undergoing and also we took in consideration the emergence of Third Sector organizations. In this context, we realized the importance of these organizations for social and economic development of a place or region, and the role of the social management in the development process. Because this was a descriptive qualitative research, we tried to work respectively with categories and subcategories of analysis (Social Management in the Third Sector - strategies, actions and key processes and Organizational Skills - dependence on route and supportive elements). To reach the nature of research, we described the historical trajectory of the Ps. Burnier Youth House, it`s based on datas collected through semi-structured interviews, observation direct and non-participating and analysis of documents and records. In this sense, from the main stages of changes, challenges, strategies, actions and key processes there were identified the organizational competencies developed by CAJU in its path, as well as the dependence that this organization have of this walked route. This work aims to contribute expanding the framework for researches on organizational skills in the context of social management of the Third Sector.