Goodwill representado em aquisições, fusões e incorporações de empresas: um estudo sob a perspectiva da teoria institucional
Pasini, Adriana Kurtz
This study examined the impact of IFRS on the recognition and measurement of goodwill, represented in acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions of companies, from the perspective of institutional theory. For this, we elaborated the goodwill index 90 Brazilian companies from various sectors, listed in the CVM, noting whether they reported significant differences, considering the changes in the four years before and four years after adoption of IFRS. To evaluate the mean differences identified in the goodwill of the indices, we used ANOVA - single factor and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results revealed that the adoption of IFRS impact on goodwill index of companies, with significant differences between the values of this index, recognized and measured before and after the adoption of IFRS for companies, non-financial, Brazilian publicly traded. Falls, so institutional change which arises from IAS 38, regulating the accounting treatment of intangible assets, whether in the international context, or, specifically, in the Brazilian scenario. Also the result showed that if there are significant differences in the index between the goodwill recognized and measured in companies with distinct governance rating, no significant influence.