A associação entre remuneração de agente e desempenho financeiro de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto
Donatti, Nelita
The main objective of this study was to identify correlations between the remuneration packages of agents in Brazilian public entities listed in the “Novo Mercado” with their financial performance indicators. Secondly, it aimed to evaluate the compliance with technical standard of the disclosure of information related to the remuneration of such agents as well to map the components of this remuneration. Corporate governance and Theory of Agency were used to develop the theoretical background that supports this study. The research is based on the data from 100% of entities listed in the New Market from 2008 to 2012. Data is analyzed through a variety of statistical methodologies, in particular, descriptive analyses and correlation. Against the expectations, the study concluded that there are few correlations statistically meaningful between the remuneration of the agents of the Brazilian entities in the Novo Mercado and their financial performance indicators. In addition, an improvement in the clarity of information due to the requirements of disclosing the components of agent's remuneration is noted. This study contributes to the literature in Management, in particular, to the literature that discuss remuneration as a tool to mitigate the problems of Theory of Agency in Brazil.