O amor e a dor na psicose: um estudo psicanalítico.
2020-06-10Registro en:
CIRILO, Éder Galiza. O amor e a dor na psicose : um estudo psicanalítico . 2020. 88 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Pró-Reitoria Acadêmica. Coordenação Geral de Pós-graduação. Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica, 2020.
Cirilo, Éder Galiza
In psychoanalysis, love and pain are important affects for the formation of a subject, so that
the singular manner they happen will reverberate in the psychic structuring. Love was defined
by Freud as a libido investment, while pain was designated as an overload of inner
excitement that could have been originated due to the cut of a libidinal bond. The psychic
formation is branded by cuts of the libidinal bond to an object of love, having pain as the
reaction, that thus must be assimilated and integrated so that the psyche maturation may
occur. When the reaction to the pain turns to a very high level of inner libido overload, the
subject may resort to a defense mechanism typical of psychosis, like the foreclosure. Starting
from the principle that the pain must be worked so that the psyche maturation can occur, and
taking as foundation Juan-David Nasio’s proposition that the pain consists in the last affect
before psychoses befalls, this work questions if psychosis would derive from a state of nontolerance to pain, connected to displeasure, due to excessive love directed to the inside of
psyche. On these terms, we sustain the proposition that psychosis derives from a failure of the
psyche in working big libidinal excitements invested in inner representations. We take for
basis Jacques Lacan’s proposition about the notion of clinical structure, in which psychosis
derives from a failure in the Law of the Father, a concept referring to a cut that interrupts the
bond with the object of love, what allowed us to catch a glimpse of a possible link between
the intervention of the Law of the Father and the pain. The goal of this study was to analyze
the place of love and pain in the formation of psychosis. For this reason, we have made an
bibliographical research in psychoanalysis referring to the topic of love, pain and psychosis in
Freud’s psychological works and in some of the seminars of Jacques Lacan, and all that in
dialogue with contemporary authors, aiming to enclose in the first one the concepts of love,
pain and psychosis and, in the latter, to understand how the formation of an subject happens,
and specially the formation of psychosis.At the end of this study, we point out the love in psychosis as a predominance of passive love.
This one is a pain intolerance reaction connected to the displeasure that appears from the cut
made by castration, time of psychic organization that allows the formation of the subject
starting from the change in the predominance from the place of being loved to the place of
loving. Love, in psychosis, seeks to fasten itself to a passive place, renouncing the possibility
of becoming a subject of desire in order to become the object of the Other’s satisfaction.
About that place, we also highlight that pain in psychosis is different from the pain that occurs
in neurosis. Pain ins psychosis is beyond the limit of an inner displeasure, occurring in a field
which is enjoyment itself. The results of this study have brought metapsychological inputs to
the clinics of psychosis, amplifying the clinical view by emphasizing the subtleties of love
and pain in the formation of psychosis.