Determinantes do relacionamento no canal de distribuição : um estudo no setor de bebidas
Bergamin, Fernando
Marketing channels and distribution can be considered one of the most important elements of the strategy of an organization. The nature of interdependence and relationship between organizations involved in the process of marketing and channels of transfer makes these channels a valuable resource and difficult to be imitated, thus becoming a sort of core and distinctive competence for companies that understand the importance of relationships in the channel. In addition, competence in delivering the strategy of marketing channel can be a critical success factor as it helps with sales goals and positioning of a company and its brand. Relying on theoretical models in the literature on marketing and distribution channels, the study developed here aims to investigate the characteristics of the relationship between manufacturers and retailers in the distribution channel of beverages, assuming that trust and dependence can lead to a commitment of the parties and the long-term orientation. Therefore, a survey of three