Estruturação administrativa do processo de perfusão pulmonar ex vivo em normotermia para transplante em um hospital
Maciel, Miriam Beatriz de Tolledo
Many patients are waiting on a list for a lung transplant. The prospect of increasing the number of transplants through new technology that provides the use of non-viable organs for transplantation increases the hope of transplantation. The implantation of new technologies searching for better results or to increase patients’ opportunities for recovering their health ocurrs more frequently in hospitals. Objective: To structure the administrative process of implantation of pulmonary perfusion ex vivo in normotermia for transplants at Dom Vicente Scherer Hospital of Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Porto Alegre. Method: PDCA cycle and GUT matrix’s tools were used to design the flow of the pulmonary perfusion implantation process ex vivo in normothermia for transplants. Results: The problems raised in the GUT matrix were approached by observing the PDCA cycle according to the critical average of each one. The limit for treating the problem using the action plan up to the critical average of 20 was defined, considering that below that average the problems identified would have no influence on the implementation of the process. The project achieved its goal and the structuring of the administrative process of ex vivo pulmonary perfusion for transplantation was carried out, confirmed by running the administrative process through a simulation of the whole process. As a secondary result, the design of the implementation flow of new technologies in the institution where the project was carried out was elaborated. Conclusion: Once the problems were identified and approached, besides allowing the administrative part of the implementation of normothermic pulmonary preservation ex vivo, the construction of the process made it possible to elaborate a proposal for the implementation of new technologies in the institution.